
Portrait of an Academy Graduate

Grateful for influence

As alumni, my wife and I are both grateful for the influence Temple Academy has had on our lives. I have watched two brothers, three sisters-in-law, and now my own daughter grow up and graduate under the influence of the same school. The Lord truly blessed our family when He led us to Temple.

Richard Olinger, Jr

Businessman and owner of Heartland Transport in Knoxville, Tennessee


Richard Olinger, Jr

Businessman and owner of Heartland Transport in Knoxville, Tennessee

As alumni, my wife and I are both grateful for the influence Temple Academy has had on our lives. I have watched two brothers, three sisters-in-law, and now my own daughter grow up and graduate under the influence of the same school. The Lord truly blessed our family when He led us to Temple.

Bible-based curriculum

“I am grateful for the eternal investment my parents made to send me and my sisters to Temple Academy.  The influence of my teachers and emphasis of a Bible-based curriculum brought me to an awareness of God’s presence and my personal accountability to Him.”

Aaron Samples

Pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Urbana, Ohio


Aaron Samples

Pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Urbana, Ohio

“I am grateful for the eternal investment my parents made to send me and my sisters to Temple Academy.  The influence of my teachers and emphasis of a Bible-based curriculum brought me to an awareness of God’s presence and my personal accountability to Him.”

Shared faith

“I have the opportunity to work with outstanding students and faculty in the College of Education at Lipscomb University. I can share my passion for teaching and learning – focusing on more than academics. While at Temple, our teachers went out of their way to assist students in their learning and shared their faith with us. I will always be grateful to them and want to model their examples with my graduate students.”

Hope Nordstrom, Ed.D.

Director of the Center for Teaching & Learning, Associate Professor of Education @ Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee


Hope Nordstrom, Ed.D.

Director of the Center for Teaching & Learning, Associate Professor of Education @ Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee

“I have the opportunity to work with outstanding students and faculty in the College of Education at Lipscomb University. I can share my passion for teaching and learning – focusing on more than academics. While at Temple, our teachers went out of their way to assist students in their learning and shared their faith with us. I will always be […]

Prepared me for life

“Each of my teachers were a great blessing to me. The Lord truly worked in my life during the years I spent as an Academy student. I believe that I was prepared to do all that God has for me.”

Rebekah Newby

Mother of three » Hickory, North Carolina


Rebekah Newby

Mother of three » Hickory, North Carolina

“Each of my teachers were a great blessing to me. The Lord truly worked in my life during the years I spent as an Academy student. I believe that I was prepared to do all that God has for me.”

Dedicated teachers

“I attended Temple Academy from kindergarten through high school graduation in 2008. I believe, to a great degree, I was prepared to complete one of the most prestigious engineering programs in the country because of the dedication of my teachers at Temple. I am grateful for the effort, time, and prayer that the faculty invested in me while I was at the Academy.”

Michael Ewing

Engineer @ Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Norfolk, Virginia


Michael Ewing

Engineer @ Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Norfolk, Virginia

“I attended Temple Academy from kindergarten through high school graduation in 2008. I believe, to a great degree, I was prepared to complete one of the most prestigious engineering programs in the country because of the dedication of my teachers at Temple. I am grateful for the effort, time, and prayer that the faculty invested in me while I was […]

Preparation for my future

“At Temple, our teachers worked hard to prepare us for what lay ahead. Many of the classes I took while at the Academy were as rigorous as those I later took in college, so I already had a basic understanding of subject matter and was better able to handle college-level academics.”

Brittany Locklear, RN

Team Leader @ University Medical Center in Knoxville, Tennessee


Brittany Locklear, RN

Team Leader @ University Medical Center in Knoxville, Tennessee

“At Temple, our teachers worked hard to prepare us for what lay ahead. Many of the classes I took while at the Academy were as rigorous as those I later took in college, so I already had a basic understanding of subject matter and was better able to handle college-level academics.”

Saving faith in Christ is where an Academy education begins.

But the unending pursuit of Christ requires that our students diligently add to their faith (2 Peter 1:5-8). It is our commitment to partner with the home and the church to produce graduates whose lives display:

An Academy graduate will demonstrate moral excellence in daily life; thinking, speaking, and acting with heroic moral excellence.

An Academy graduate will possess and apply spiritual knowledge acquired from a diligent and guided pursuit of the truth of God’s Word.

An Academy graduate will display temperance; controlling passion and bodily appetites, rather than being controlled by them.

And Academy graduate will endure in a patient pursuit of Christ, standing steadfast against temptation, never giving in to difficulty.

An Academy graduate will possess a practical awareness of God in every area of life that leads to true worship and a devotion to His will.

An Academy graduate will exercise a mutually sacrificial kindness toward all men, but especially toward brothers and sisters in Christ.

An Academy graduate will exhibit biblical charity, the love of the will, in making daily choices for the betterment of others and the glory of God.
